Note Purchasing | Escrow Specialists

Note Purchasing

Escrow Specialists is continually being contacted by investors who would like to purchase Trust Deeds and Real Estate Contracts, secured by commercial and residential real estate, for cash.

Why Sell Your Note or Real Estate Contract?

You can enjoy the benefit of immediate cash instead of waiting months or even years to receive your equity. Circumstances change and many note holders need cash today for tomorrow’s promised payments

  • Cash in your pocket now
  • Payoff debt
  • College Tuition
  • Other investment opportunities
  • Freedom from the stress of worrying about possible delinquent payments, foreclosure and bankruptcy
  • Tax obligations
  • Unexpected medical emergencies

Select a program to meet your specific cash flow needs:

  • Sell your entire Note
  • Sell 50% of your monthly payment amount
  • Sell a number of payments and then receive your Note back